You Just Need MORE Content (or not??)

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You Just Need MORE Content!

I’ve heard this from so many “marketing gurus” and I need to share with you that this is, as my grand father used to say, “bull-puckey.” Content is an important part of your marketing plan – although that content MUST be relevant to your audience or you are wasting your time.
The solution? I recommend creating at least one new bit of content each week – content of interest to your audience and related to your business (not sales content).
As an example, note how I try to share various marketing quotes here on my blog and do so multiple times per week. Why marketing quotes? I believe that the information is relevant to our topic here – digital marketing, and I believe that most of you will find the quotes thought provoking and interesting.
What types of content do you find is most relevant to your target audience?
more content marketing


Jonathan Mast of White Beard Strategies

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