Friday the 13th – Teamwork, Local Search Domination, Marketing & Story Telling

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local search matters


Hey, it’s Friday the 13th. What a better day. No, seriously. I love the 13th. I was born on April 13th. I’ve always loved Friday the 13th, and today is one of those rare Friday the 13th, and I just wanna wish you happy Friday the 13th. Hey, I’m Jonathan, and as you know, I try to record and share some thoughts about things that are going on in my day as a business leader and as the founder of a digital marketing agency.

And just share some, some things just to kind of share my story. And today’s been a, a great day because I got a chance to work and spend almost the entire day working with my team, uh, helping improve the work that we’re doing for our clients. And as the founder, one of the things I really. Not only is, is helping our clients out, but when we have the opportunity to kind of pull our team brain trust together and sit down and really evaluate what we’re doing and what things we can improve to provide even better results to our clients.

I don’t know about you and your business, but I just, I find that so fulfilling to know that. It’s not only me pulling, uh, for the client and for the results, but that my team’s on board as well. And as we’ve grown over the years, this being our 13th year in business, one of the things that I really appreciate is the fact that now I have a lot of people on the team that are smarter than I am, and that means that they’re adding just tremendous value to what would deliver and candidly teaching me in the process.

and that’s so rewarding. It’s so cool. I absolutely love that. Um, so anyway, that’s, I spent a lot of the day on. I did spend the last little bit here and I’ve got a little bit more time to do after this video focusing on getting ready for a webinar that I’m doing next week. And if you pay much attention to my videos or you’ve watched ’em of, you probably know that one of my big focuses for 2023 is local search.

And the reason I think that’s so important is that we specialize and work with home service contractors, and I know specifically in that area. That homeowners are looking for contractors near them to work with people they can know, they can like, and that they can trust. And one of the biggest changes we’ve seen over the last couple years has been the, what we call the rise in near me searches or somebody searching, for example, plumber near me or roofer near me, or fencing, fencer near me, fencing company near me, any of those things, I just, I love teaching our clients and our prospects and just other home service companies and, and any local business for that matter, but how they can do things online to leverage their business so that they’re found when people in their local service area are searching for them.

Because at the end of the day, that’s what matters. We’re doing online work to promote our business, and we want to promote our business because we want more work. We want more jobs, and the best way to do that is to make sure that you’re. When those local searches happen. So next week, Thursday, if you’re interested, I’m putting on a webinar.

It’s gonna be at two o’clock Eastern, I believe. I’ll put the details on the video here. Uh, but we’re gonna be starting to talk about. Local search and how to dominate local search to grow your business. Uh, if you’re interested, there’ll be a simple free registration link. That’ll be important because if you miss it, then we’ll invite you to the replay as well, and you can take a look and catch out that replay just in the event you’re not able to join us next week, Thursday.

But if you’ve got a local business, I’d love to hear from you. What’s your perspective on local search and what would you like to learn? I know there’s some things that I’m gonna cover about why it’s important and some basic steps, but I’d love to hear from you as a, as a business owner, what things do you want to know about local search that I can share with you and teach you?

Because the goal of the webinars is to teach, to share, to educate, and hopefully to have some. Uh, but I’d love to know what would be important to you. So if you could let me know down in the comments, drop me an email. If you’ve got my number, text me, whatever’s appropriate, I would love to hear from you and get that feedback.

Last thing before I go and I wanna really encourage this is I also have a podcast, and today we launched a new episode with Gene Kolenda. Uh, if you don’t know Jean, she is amazing. Uh, I got to know her by being associated with the seven Figure Agency Group, which is a coaching group that we’re part of, and probably about two or 300 other digital agencies across the United States.

And I gotta tell you, it is the best people in the world. And I met Jean through that. Uh, and Jean. The importance in the, the discussion that we had about telling your story and how important it is to, to share your story as a business with those people around you so that you can, again, build. That know that like, and that trust that’s gonna compel them to work with you.

So it’s really just a great tie in with what we’ve been talking about here and what my days have been all focused on. But if you have a moment, take a a look. I’ll put it down in the description of the link. Check out the podcast with Jean. She’s amazing. Her advice is just stellar and she gives some great tips while telling some fun stories on how to share your story to really reach and connect with your.

Again, I hope you’re having a great Friday the 13th. I know I am, and I just wish you guys a tremendous weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week. Make it a great day, everybody.