5 Second 5th Grader Test – Jacksonville, FL Promotional Product Website Tests

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Do you want to know how to convert your website visitors into qualified opportunities? The first step is to ensure your website passes the “5 Second, 5th Grader Test.”
Your website needs to answer three questions for your visitors, before they scroll and within 5 seconds or less:

  1. What do you do?
  2. What’s in it for your customers?
  3. What should they do next?

Join me as I run websites from across the United States, and beyond – in a range of industries to determine if they can pass the “5 Second, 5th Grader Test.” For more information join me at JonathanMast.com or ValorousCircle.com
5 Second, 5th Grader Test is a trademark of Valorous Circle LLChttps://youtu.be/PY_fWrJ6ahE


Jonathan Mast of White Beard Strategies

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