Short Video Marketing – How to Get Your Prospects to Interested in Talking to You

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TRANSCRIPT: One Thing YOU Can Do This Week to Let Your Audience Interested in Talking to You So nearly 40 years ago when I was a child and my parents had a retail business in the small town I grew up in Michigan every week, my dad would plan what they were going to run in the local shoppers paper that coming week for an ad. Why? While they wanted to get in touch with their audience and they wanted to remind them why they should come into the store and buy the products that my parents sold. Your business is no different today. You need to figure out how to get in front of your audience and get their attention. The problem is the local shoppers guides probably not the way to do it anymore. In 2022, there is an easy solution and that’s going to be even easier than it was last year. That solution it’s video, but more importantly, it is short form video, short videos of less than 60 seconds that allow you to get in front of your audience. Talk about what it is that you do to make their lives better. And as a result, get them to pay attention to you, your business and the products and services that you provide.  So this week, I want to challenge you to create not 10, not 20, but one short form video. What’s a short form video, a video of less than 60 seconds talking about very simply how it is that your business makes your prospect’s lives better. I don’t want you to talk about your products. I don’t want you to talk about your services. I don’t want you to mention a price. I simply want you to make a short video of 60 seconds or less telling them how it is that you make their lives better. I’ll be doing the same thing and posting it on my channel. I’d like you to post links to yours as well. Maybe in addition to the normal traffic, we’ll get you some extra eyeballs as well. So that’s the challenge for this week. Don’t worry about the shopper’s guide as my parents did 40 years ago, when they were in business this time, I want you to focus on short form video, grab your smartphone, pull it out, just like I’m doing here and record a short video. You’ll see mine in the comments. Thanks. And make it a great day.