Is Social Media Dead?

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Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Google + . . . the list seems to go on and on. Social media channels are everywhere. Facebook claims to get more daily traffic than any other website. Pinterest claims to be the fastest growing social media channel. YouTube claims to be the second most used search engine . . . surpassed only by Google who owns them. To the best of my knowledge, all of these claims are true, yet what does that mean for your online marketing?



Most business people I talk to tell me that they really need to get their “social media act” together. These same business people tell me that social media has, in most cases, not done a thing to help them generate more sales (with the stand out exception of Linkedin for B2B sales oriented firms). So . . . is social media dead?

Social media has certainly changed over the last few years. Most of your prospects are already there. You and your business are likely there. That is great yet what really matters is the answer to this question: “Is social media helping you grow your business, engage with your target audience or better serve your clients?”

I don’t believe that social media is dead. I do believe that your business needs to take a serious look at how social media fits into your online marketing strategy and that you need a plan in order to have a chance at leveraging social media to help you grow your business, engage your target audience and better serve your clients.

So you are on social media. What’s next? Simple – you need a plan.

Our plan is simple and effective. I’ll hit the high-points today and I will provide more specific detail in my next few blog posts. So . . . let’s get going!

The EIEIO Online Marketing Strategy

Use social media to:

  • grow your business by demonstrating your expertise
  • create credibility for you and your organization
  • engage your target audience to get them to come to your website

Then, once your audience is on your website:

  • actively market your products and services on your website
  • capture email addresses from visitors to your website
  • engage your audience using regular, targeted email marketing

How do you accomplish this? Create content that follows our EIEIO guidelines: Entertain, Inspire, Educate, Instruct and OUTRAGE!

Content is still king on line and it is content that will get your audience to pay attention to you. Over the next series of blog posts we are going to show you how to:

  • create EIEIO online content
  • create a website and blog that promotes your content
  • share your content on social media . . . AUTOMATICALLY
  • use EIEIO online content to drive traffic to your website
  • capture email addresses
  • create compelling email marketing campaigns
  • and MUCH MUCH MORE!!!

Stay tuned!!

PS – Want to make sure you don’t miss a single step in my EIEIO Online Marketing Strategy?

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