Drive Your Business Forward: How Recording Video During Your Daily Commute Can Grow Your Local Audience

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leverage drive time
  As a business owner, your daily 🚗 commute can be a valuable opportunity to connect with your local audience. In this 🎥 video, we’ll show you how to make the most of your drive time by recording video snippets about things happening in your community and in your business day. Doing this will create a personal connection with your audience and make them feel like they’re a part of your business. Plus, everyone in your area will know who you are, which can help grow your business in ways you never thought possible. So, grab your phone, hit record, and let’s 🚗 drive your business forward together!


We all lead busy lives, and finding the time to create content can be a real challenge. That’s why some people might be tempted to use their commute time to shoot videos. While we totally understand the appeal, we also want to remind everyone that safety should always come first.

Driving requires your full attention, and any distractions can put yourself and others at risk. Therefore, we want to stress that you should always comply with all applicable laws and regulations and never engage in any activities that might distract you from driving. This includes but is not limited to, shooting video, taking pictures, or using your phone for anything other than hands-free communication.

We encourage everyone to find a safe and legal way to create content that doesn’t involve taking your hands or eyes off the road. This can include using a dashboard-mounted camera or simply waiting until you’ve reached your destination before starting your video. Remember, the safety of yourself and others should always be your top priority.

Thanks for your understanding, and stay safe out there on the roads!