One Man’s Quest to Slay the Time-Management Dragon

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buy back your time


[00:00:00] Do you ever find yourself doing things during the day and get to the end of the day and go,

[00:00:04] wow, I didn’t get anything done that I really wanted to, and just feel like you maybe wasted your day?

[00:00:09] I know I’ve had days like that, and I’ve certainly had mornings and afternoons where time got away from me

[00:00:14] and things just didn’t work as I had hoped they were gonna work out for the day.

[00:00:17] Recently I started reading a book from Dan Martel called Buying Back Your Time.

[00:00:22] I want to encourage you if you’re a business leader, Business owner take the time to read this book or downloaded an Audible.

[00:00:29] Truly, this is probably one of the most impactful business books that I’ve read in the last five years.

[00:00:35] It’s really changing my paradigm on how I look at my time and how I look at.

[00:00:41] The best way to utilize my time to grow my business and to focus on what’s most important,

[00:00:47] not only in the business, but to me personally.

[00:00:49] Right now I’m doing a time study, and during that time study, I’m learning a whole lot about myself.

[00:00:54] That actually is surprising me a bit. Not a big thing.

[00:00:58] We’ve probably all heard of 15 minute time studies where you go ahead

[00:01:01] and you record the, primary task that you’ve been working on for the last 15 minutes.

[00:01:06] We’ve all probably done that. I know I have done that many times, but I haven’t done it recently.

[00:01:10] And so I’ve started doing that this week and with only two days in,

[00:01:14] already seeing a lot of things that I can learn and improve.

[00:01:19] One of the neat ways that I’m doing it, and this is from Dan’s book, is

[00:01:23] I’m actually then going through at the end of the day and highlighting items green if they energize me.

[00:01:29] In other words, if I was doing something like shooting video, which I love to do that, that I find energizing and it motivates me

[00:01:35] or red, if it’s , just something that drains me

[00:01:38] and if I get into a lot of technical details or if I’ve gotta deal with paperwork. Those things for me, I find really draining.

[00:01:46] What’s great about that though is at the end of the day, it’s really easy to identify the things that you enjoy doing and the things you didn’t enjoy doing,

[00:01:53] and to see how much time you’re spending on all of them.

[00:01:56] Then the last step that Dan has us take is actually go through and assign a dollar value,

[00:02:01] not as in $5, $10, 20, anything like that, but one to four dollar signs,

[00:02:06] much like you’d see on a Google review of a restaurant where you saw how expensive they were.

[00:02:10] Are they one dollar sign, two, three, four, that type of thing.

[00:02:14] Doing that for each task that you’ve done as well.

[00:02:17] So you can take a look and go as you look at your business,

[00:02:20] how much value is that task bringing to the work that you’re doing in the business to add value?

[00:02:27] And I found those, the green and the red combined with the dollar sign to really shed a new light on that time study for me.

[00:02:34] And it’s helping me very quickly identify the things that I could be outsourcing or delegating in most cases that I’m not to make better use of my day.

[00:02:45] The paradigm shift that I’ve got here, and this is something I really wanted to share with everybody this Wednesday morning,

[00:02:50] isn’t just the fact that, yeah, I can delegate things.

[00:02:53] We know that, but if you’re like me as an entrepreneur, we don’t tend to be very good at it because we’re always thinking we can do a better job of it.

[00:03:01] Two things that Dan’s teaching and, boy, these really resonated with me.

[00:03:05] One, don’t shoot for doing the same job that you’re doing. Shoot for doing 80% as well.

[00:03:11] Meaning if you could get 80% of a task done, so you only had to do 20%,

[00:03:16] or in many cases a task could be done and completed and done properly,

[00:03:20] but maybe not done in the exact same way that I might do it, or you might do it,

[00:03:25] but it would still be fine. Accepting that and moving on so that you can take the time you have to focus on the things.

[00:03:31] That are most important to you and to your business?

[00:03:35] I love being a visionary in the business, and I love coming up with new ideas.

[00:03:39] I love being the face of the business, doing marketing and videos and things like this, telling stories,

[00:03:44] and I’m learning very quickly that I spend a lot of my time.

[00:03:47] Doing things I shouldn’t be doing if those are the things that I want to accomplish.

[00:03:52] I also find that not surprisingly things like sitting down with my family for dinner in the evening, it’s one of my favorite things to do because I get to spend time with my family and I need to do a much better job of protecting that than what I have been doing.

[00:04:05] Again, I really want to encourage you.

[00:04:07] If you ever feel like you’re just not getting the things done that you want?

[00:04:11] You, feel like maybe you’re spinning your wheels and your productivity’s not where it should be?

[00:04:15] Pick up a copy of Dan’s book. This is not an affiliate. I’m not even gonna put a link in.

[00:04:20] Just go to Amazon or Barnes and Noble or your favorite book seller and look for "Buying back your time" from Dan Martell.

[00:04:26] Buy the book, get the audio. I did both.

[00:04:29] I’m finding it really valuable to have both, by the way, because I can listen to the audio.

[00:04:33] And I can reference things in the book when they come up.

[00:04:36] This book is absolutely proving to be life-changing for me as a, business leader, an entrepreneur.

[00:04:43] I would encourage you to do the same and then take that next step and consider doing the time study.

[00:04:48] while we’ve all done them before, I can tell you I am learning some things already.

[00:04:52] Two days into my two weeks, I’m already picking up on things that I can start changing to be more efficient, to better serve my customers, to better serve my staff, to be, there better for my family and ultimately to lead a more fulfilling life.

[00:05:06] So I hope that maybe some of this resonates with you. I’d love to hear in the comments and, I’d love your feedback.

[00:05:12] Do you struggle with getting things done? And do you struggle with feeling like you got the right things done?

[00:05:19] I’m learning. It’s not just about getting things done, it’s about getting the right things done.

[00:05:23] I want to know, is that something you struggle with?

[00:05:24] Let me know in the comments. I’d love to have a conversation.

[00:05:27] If you’re really passionate about this as I am after I’m getting into Dan’s book and you want to have a conversation, let me know.

[00:05:33] I’d love to even do a, joint video, a conversation about this and, post that, let me know.

[00:05:40] I want to do more communication and more, more back and forth. So if you’re interested in this topic, let’s chat.

[00:05:48] And let’s even consider if you’re willing to, let’s hop on video together and let’s share our thoughts with everybody else here.

[00:05:54] Thanks and make it a great day. Let me know your thoughts on the comments.